Rogue traders attempting distraction burglary in Daventry scared off

Northamptonshire Police have issued a warning to residents to beon their guard against rogue traders and distraction burglarsNorthamptonshire Police have issued a warning to residents to beon their guard against rogue traders and distraction burglars
Northamptonshire Police have issued a warning to residents to beon their guard against rogue traders and distraction burglars
Two men posing as traders were scared off as they targeted a homeowner during a distraction burglary in Daventry.

At about 1pm on Friday, November 23, two men driving a small white van, called at a house in Trafalgar Way saying they had been sent to clean the gutters.

They said they needed to use water and electricity from within the property and one of the men kept the elderly householder talking while the other looked through the windows.

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However, they were disturbed and challenged by a relative of the householder who arrived a short time later, and they quickly left in the same vehicle.

One of the men is described as white, aged between 25 and 35, about 5ft 5in to 5ft 7in, with a skinny build and light brown or ginger hair and a short beard.

The second man was slightly taller than the first, about 30 years old, with a stocky build and dark hair.

Witnesses, or anyone with information, are asked to contact Northamptonshire Police on 101.

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Alternatively, they can call independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

Northamptonshire Police has issued a warning to residents to be on their guard against rogue traders and distraction burglars after last week's incident.

Officers are reminding people to be aware of potential distraction burglars and rogue traders and not to open the door to anyone they don’t know or are not expecting.

Make sure you can see who is at the door before you answer it – if you don’t know them or aren’t expecting them, don’t open the door.

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Where possible fit a spy-hole to identify callers. Alternatively talk to them through an adjacent window.

Don’t feel pressured into opening the door. Don’t feel you are being rude, genuine callers won’t mind.

Set up passwords with your utility companies – genuine callers will need to recite this password to you

Don’t use telephone numbers on ID cards. If the person isn’t genuine, the ID and the telephone number won't be either. Make a list of your important numbers and keep them near the phone.

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Look out for those who are vulnerable within your family or neighbourhood.

In Northamptonshire many agencies have come together to form the Doorstep crime Action Network (DAN).

If you have any suspicions or concerns that doorstep rogue traders or distraction burglars are operating in your community or targeting someone you know, contact the dedicated doorstep crime hotline: 0345 23 07 702.

For help finding a reliable local trader, check out the Trading Standards service 'Buy with Confidence' scheme.

More information about how to prevent doorstep crime can be found on the crime prevention pages at