Have your say on Daventry District’s polling stations changes

Residents are being invited to have their say on proposals to change some polling stations in Daventry District.

The proposals are being made as part of the polling districts, places and stations review, which the council is required by law to undertake every five years.

They take into account feedback from voters, councillors, parish councils and community groups, as well as information on proposed housing developments and expected population changes.

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In most cases the recommendation is to keep the current polling arrangements, however a number of changes are being put forward, including:

- Moving the polling station for Monksmoor residents from Daventry Court Hotel to Monksmoor Park CE Primary School

- Moving Woodford Halse Social Club to Woodford Halse Memorial Hall – this move is being trialled for the European Parliamentary Election later this month

- Moving Harlestone from the smaller room to the larger room in the Harlestone Village Institute

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People can view the proposals in full and have their say online by visiting www.daventrydc.gov.uk/pollingplaces.

Responses can also be submitted in writing to Polling Places Review, Elections Team, Daventry District Council, Lodge Road, Daventry, NN11 4FP.

The deadline for comments is 4.30pm on Tuesday, June 18.

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