NOSTALGIA: Crick band set for big time?

Crick pop group Hampton CourtCrick pop group Hampton Court
Crick pop group Hampton Court
Crick pop group Hampton Court were considering turning fully professional in 1970.

The news was revealed to the Gusher by the band’s guitarist Doug Hibbert, who gave the odds of the group going pro at 50/50.

Hampton Court had already secured bookings in some of the biggest clubs in the Midlands and were working at full pace in Leicester, Coventry, Birmingham and indeed London. All of this while continuing their full-time occupations.

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The success of Doug, Norman Fox, John and Chris Dicey and Peter Wakenell – who had signed with a London agency and cut a demo tape – was deemed to be very impressive considering less than two years prior they were a group of unknowns.

Since they formed, the band committed to spending at least two nights a week practising in the village sports pavillion.

At the time of their interview in the Gusher, the group were still honing their skills in the sports pavillion, carrying their equipment across a muddy field to reach their practice sessions.