'He could have died': Mum of 12-year-old boy left with car crash-like injuries speaks after alleged gang attack in Daventry

Sam Dobbs provided an update on the Daventry Country Park alleged assault of a 12-year-old boySam Dobbs provided an update on the Daventry Country Park alleged assault of a 12-year-old boy
Sam Dobbs provided an update on the Daventry Country Park alleged assault of a 12-year-old boy
The mother of the 12-year-old boy who was left with car crash-like injuries after being set upon by a gang of 20 youths in Daventry Country Park says her son could easily have died in the alleged assault.

At around 8pm on Tuesday, May 15, the boy was walking in Daventry Country Park accompanied by an adult when he was set upon by what has been described as a gang of 20 youths.

He sustained injuries to his wrist, ribs, neck and throat and had swelling around his carotid artery causing breathing difficulties, but did not have any broken bones, as first feared. He is now recovering at home.

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"The impact of this incident on my son and our family has been immense and will continue to be so," said his mother via a statement.

"It has also had a huge effect on his friends who are now fearful of going out.

"I am horrified and aghast at what has happened and want other parents to make sure they are talking to their children about the dangers of one punch.

"My son could have easily died as a result of the injuries he received during this assault and I would hate for other children and their families to have to go through what we have experienced in the last two days, or worse."

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In the attack, believed to have been filmed on a mobile phone, the boy was allegedly punched to the ground and repeatedly kicked.

Doctors at Northampton General Hospital - where the boy was required to stay overnight - likened his injuries to those of a car crash victim.

Daventry neighbourhood sergeant Sam Dobbs, who confirmed the two arrests, provided an update on the incident.

Though because the police investigation is live, there are restrictions on what he can detail.

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"The incident was reportedly recorded on the mobile phone of one of the alleged offenders and this may or may not be the case," he said.

"The victim had been walking in the park with an adult and two children.

"They were approached by a large group of up to 20 teenagers when the apparently unprovoked attack happened, despite the best intervention of the adult who also had her own children to look after and protect."

Lines of police inquiry will mean officers will speak to teenagers who have been involved in similar incidents of footage of assaults posted on social media.

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"The victims are not residents of Daventry and were visiting the country park for a walk and whilst this was not a pre-arranged fight, there is evidence that the parties knew of each other," said Sergeant Dobbs.

"The victim and adult and her children were put into a terrifying situation and what has upset everyone the most is that the alleged offenders behaved in the way they did despite the adult presence.

"The victim’s family see the adult as a heroine who got their children to safety and took them home and to hospital."

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