A Northamptonshire family-run farm has now been opened to the public for visitors to meet a stunning pedigree fold of Highland cattle.
Visitors can book a ‘Highland Cattle Experience’ at the Colready Farm, in Farthinghoe, near Brackley, Northamptonshire, to meet the wonderful herd.
The farm is open for booking on select weekdays and weekends.
Here are a few of the fold’s different characters and personalities you might like to meet.
![Residents can meet the wonderful Highlands up close and personal at the Northamptonshire family-run farm.](https://www.daventryexpress.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOmJiY2JmNTg0LTQ1MTgtNGNkZC04OTkzLTMzMGE5ZDFlYTE4ZDoyNWZhNzc1MS1mY2ZmLTRiYTctOWNmZi1iM2E3MzcxOWI3MTU=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
. Colready Highlands farm
Residents can meet the wonderful Highlands up close and personal at the Northamptonshire family-run farm. Photo: Martin Honey
![Residents can meet the wonderful Highlands up close and personal at the Northamptonshire family-run farm.](https://www.daventryexpress.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjRjYjEzNGMzLTVjMDAtNDM1YS04MGU4LTIyN2RmMTAzZTk3MDo2OWM3YTljNy04NTEzLTQxM2YtOWNlMC0wZWUyZjJlODZhYWI=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
. Colready Highlands farm
Residents can meet the wonderful Highlands up close and personal at the Northamptonshire family-run farm. Photo: Martin Honey
![Residents can meet the wonderful Highlands up close and personal at the Northamptonshire family-run farm.](https://www.daventryexpress.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOmJiY2JmNTg0LTQ1MTgtNGNkZC04OTkzLTMzMGE5ZDFlYTE4ZDoyNWZhNzc1MS1mY2ZmLTRiYTctOWNmZi1iM2E3MzcxOWI3MTU=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
1. Colready Highlands farm
Residents can meet the wonderful Highlands up close and personal at the Northamptonshire family-run farm. Photo: Martin Honey
![Residents can meet the wonderful Highlands up close and personal at the Northamptonshire family-run farm.](https://www.daventryexpress.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjRjYjEzNGMzLTVjMDAtNDM1YS04MGU4LTIyN2RmMTAzZTk3MDo2OWM3YTljNy04NTEzLTQxM2YtOWNlMC0wZWUyZjJlODZhYWI=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
2. Colready Highlands farm
Residents can meet the wonderful Highlands up close and personal at the Northamptonshire family-run farm. Photo: Martin Honey
![Residents can meet the wonderful Highlands up close and personal at the Northamptonshire family-run farm.](https://www.daventryexpress.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjhiYWI1M2FjLWVmMjYtNDBjOC05YmJlLTA0NjU2MTc4NmJhNDo3NGMyNjYyYy1mMGUwLTQyNjItYmU1NC1jMWI4MTIzMGUzNTc=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
3. Colready Highlands farm
Residents can meet the wonderful Highlands up close and personal at the Northamptonshire family-run farm. Photo: Martin Honey
![Residents can meet the wonderful Highlands up close and personal at the Northamptonshire family-run farm.](https://www.daventryexpress.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjkxM2RjZDI1LWUxNTQtNGFiNS1hMzg4LWQ2M2ViY2YyODA5Mjo1M2FjYWZmMS00NTUyLTQwMDgtYmNiNi0xYWY5ZmEyOGQ1ODI=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
4. Colready Highlands farm
Residents can meet the wonderful Highlands up close and personal at the Northamptonshire family-run farm. Photo: Martin Honey