The 1980s was one of the most iconic decades of the last century. From shoulder pads to Cyndi Lauper, the eighties have remained in the public consciousness for 40 years
If you were lucky enough to grow up in the 1980s, you probably have really strong memories of the decade. But how much of those years do you truly remember.
We have rounded up seven iconic gadgets from the decade, from camcorders to VCR.

5. Polaroid Camera
Taking a picture and having it print instantly, instead of waiting for the roll to develop was like a jump into the future. And polaroid camera's were all the rage in the 1980s. | VALERIE MACON/AFP via Getty Images Photo: VALERIE MACON/AFP via Getty Images

6. VCR
If you wanted to watch your favourite show after school, but weren't going to get home in time, then you probably recorded it on the VCR - if you had one. What a life saver! | Ethan Miller/Getty Images Photo: Ethan Miller/Getty Images

7. Walkman
Before Spotify and smartphones, if you wanted to listen to your tunes on the go or in your room, you needed a Walkman. Just make sure the tape from the cassette hasn't got caught! | YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP via Getty Images Photo: YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP via Getty Images