Voters approve neighbourhood plan for Daventry village

Voters backed a village's planning document in the district's first planning referendum.

Residents in West Haddon parish went to the polls yesterday (Thursday) to vote on whether to adopt the neighbourhood plan.

West Haddon Parish Council published the draft Neighbourhood Development Plan in December 2014, with consultation taking place in spring 2015. It was then reviewed by an Independent Examiner who published his report in September 2015 recommending the plan goes to a referendum.

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The question posed to voters was “Do you want Daventry District Council to use the neighbourhood plan for West Haddon to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

With a turnout of 33.2 per cent, 91 per cent voted Yes, and nine per cent voted No.

Daventry District Council is now required to formally adopt the plan and use it as one of the documents to judge planning applications in the parish against.

Several other parishes and neighbourhood areas are working on their own plans.

Neighbourhood plans shape where development will go within the parish and what it will look like. They cannot be used to block development approved by the district-wide local plan.