Residents can now have an even more enjoyable experience during the next open-water swimming sessions with Daventry Country Park's new swim platform.
This year's swimming sessions are scheduled to begin in April.
The sessions are run by volunteers from Northamptonshire Sport, a Northampton-based charity that organises sports participation events, physical activity programmes, and wellbeing projects in Northamptonshire.
Jenna Curtis, 42, has been volunteering for Daventry Country Park's water swimming sessions for more than two years, initially as a general volunteer and then as a trained open-water lifeguard.
She said: “We’re run by a lovely group of friendly and experienced volunteers. We have a swim director each week and open water lifeguards who give up their time to make sure that people are kept safe.”
Residents can swim in the beautiful surroundings of Daventry Country Park on Sunday mornings starting in late April from 8.30am or 9.30am.
Swimmers of all abilities are welcome, including beginners and people training for triathlons or swim runs.
Jenna said: "There's a real lovely mixture of people, some that are there just to train hard, but some that are there to relax and have fun for mental health benefit, just to kind of feel one with nature, forget the world, and just be present and swim in beautiful surroundings.”
This year, Daventry Country Park has a new dock swim platform that was installed in the winter season, making swimming even more enjoyable for visitors.
“Daventry Country Park kindly put that in as a viewing platform for people visiting the park, but also for us; now we have a better spotting point visibility-wise and hopefully also a nicer entry and exit point for the swimmers,” said Jenna.
For every swimming session, there are generally 10 to 16 volunteers available to assist the participants.
Jenna said: “If you're a confident kayaker or stand up paddle boarder, we’re always looking for on-water support volunteers.”
People who are interested in volunteering will receive training, support, and a free swim in return. The team hopes to offer sessions through the end of September.
Residents can register and book sessions at The cost of each hour-long session, including the online booking charge, is £4.
“It’s a lovely space to be out in the water,” said Jenna.

1. Daventry open-water swimming sessions
Daventry Country Park's new swim platform pictured in January. Photo: Tim Bradley

2. Daventry open-water swimming sessions
Jenna Curtis was pictured at one of the swimming sessions. Photo: Jenna Curtis

3. Daventry open-water swimming sessions
Jenna Curtis and Claire Bustin, two of the volunteers, pictured together. Photo: Jenna Curtis

4. Daventry open-water swimming sessions
Residents pictured together at one of the swimming sessions. Photo: Jenna Curtis